
Reaching unreached people, especially the poor among the lowest castes, in far Western Nepal. And rescuing girls from trafficking, leading them to Christ and planting churches and sustainable businesses in their communities.

Evangelism &
Church Planting

JLM is partnering with a pastor working in far western Nepal who is reaching the unreached, especially among the lower castes.

 In January 2023 we provided a 3 day high-level leadership training to 40 pastors on how they can plant house churches in order to multiply the gospel. 

At the end of the training the 40 leaders made a bold commitment to launch 509 churches in Nepal. Dozens of churches have already launched.


JLM has worked with our partner who is rescuing girls from trafficking, leading them to Christ, and training them in skills to bring back to and transform their communities. Many of these villages were previously completely unreached. We have provided 3-5 water pumps and 7 wells for areas in desperate need, and sewing machines for women to start their own businesses.



