
Reaching Muslims in creative ways, and starting many churches with new believers.

Evangelism &
Church Planting

Our partners in Bangladesh have started churches in Dhaka, Chittagong and Ramgamati, and are currently planting two new churches in Sirajganj and Cox’s Bazaar, reaching Muslims through creative outreaches. Several former imams have come to Christ, and one of them is their most fruitful evangelist, reaching other imams and Muslim seekers of the truth.

JLM also helped them set up a secure website ( and Facebook page to reach Muslims not only in Bangladesh, but throughout the Middle East as well. In the first month their Facebook page reached over 25,000, and they had more than 2000 people contact them for more information about Christianity. Recently JLM boosted a post for them during the Muslim holidays of Eid, and it reached more than 500,000 throughout the Muslim world.

Reaching UUPGs

Emma, our evangelist to Muslims in NYC, has also done extensive evangelistic outreaches in Bangladesh, her home country. She spends several months there each year, traveling with a team to previously unreached villages sharing the gospel, giving out thousands of Bibles and audio Bibles.

Many Muslims, Hindus and others have experienced salvation through the gospel. To date, there are more than 30 house churches in Bangladesh inspired by this female evangelist who is involved with and funded by JLM.



