Our Vision

“... we will be able to go and preach the Good News in other places far beyond you where no one else is working”.

2 Corinthians 10:16, NLT

Our Core Values

  • Apostolic Local Leadership

    Our quickest and most effective way to reach the unreached is to help the visionary local leaders who have been gifted by God to effectively share the gospel, launch churches and advance God's kingdom.

  • Relational Connection

    We know, love and trust the leaders we serve, and receive consistent feedback, testimonies with photos and videos from our co-laborers. 

  • Proven Strategies

    Most UUPG’s require strategies that are proven and relevant to a culture. For example, Pakistan is one of the most arid nations in the world; through giving UUPGs a clean water source, the hearts of thousands have been opened to the gospel.

  • Preaching Jesus

    Jordan Lewis Missions is dedicated to the person, works and gospel of Jesus Christ. 

  • Unengaged, Unreached People Groups

    JLM's target and calling are to the least reached, those who have never heard the gospel or had a bible. 

PG- People Groups

UPG- Unreached People Groups

UUPG- Unreached & Unengaged People Groups

UUUPG- Unreached, Unengaged & Unknown People Groups

JLM's target and calling is to the least reached

Our Programs

  • Humanitarian Aid

    Water wells & pumps, educational schools, feeding programs, community aid, disaster relief

  • Evangelisim

    Multimedia outreaches, Jesus film, SD cards, one-on-one, lightstream & audio Bibles, online, community-based

  • Training

    House church, leadership, discipleship

Give to reach the unreached

Join us in reaching the unreached by partnering with Jordan Lewis Missions through a donation, as we strive to bring hope, love, and the message of salvation to those who have yet to hear.
