
JLM is reaching the unengaged unreached people groups (UUPGs) in provinces throughout the Eastern Ghat mountains, Northern India and Andhra Pradesh.

Evangelism &
Church Planting

Through partnership with our friend, Pastor Yesupadam, there have been 11 churches built among UUPGs in the mountainous, unreached areas of eastern India. 

We go to UUPG villages, build a community center, and from this place, strongholds are broken through prayer and churches are planted.

JLM donated 10 bicycles to evangelists to help them reach more remote areas.


Our partners have an orphanage, nursing school, and feeding programs for lower caste people groups in Visakhapatnam, India, and they are now building a hospital.

We are working with them to build a library for lower castes on the campus of Andhra University, one of the oldest universities in India, with around 155,000 students in all their affiliated colleges. This library will help the poor, will open hearts for the gospel, and will be a signal to the nation that Christians are loving and want to work TOGETHER.

JLM also sent 16 oxygen concentrators to India during the Covid pandemic, helping save many lives.



