Muslims in NYC

“Emma”, a Muslim background believer (MBB) from Bangladesh, is working full-time in NYC reaching out to Muslims who live and work in NYC; as well as in online evangelism through Zoom and Facebook, reaching overseas Muslims in many closed nations.

Evangelism & Training

In Queens, NYC this past year, Emma has led more than 50 former Muslims to Christ. She continues to disciple them in our micro churches, where they are baptized and attend Bible studies.

Here is just one of the lives changed for eternity through Emma:

“As I was evangelizing in a park one day during Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting, I ran into a Bengali woman coming home from work.

I asked the woman if she was fasting, and she replied yes, so I said, “With all your fasting, do you know where you are going after you die?” She said sadly, “No, I don’t know.”

I then shared the good news of the gospel with her, and asked if she wanted to follow Jesus. The woman enthusiastically replied, “Yes!” So right there in the middle of the park, she prayed to start her new life with Jesus.”


Middle East


What Are You Thinking Podcast